Teachers Reminisce: What High School Was Like for Me

Mr. Dowd, fresh out of high school. Photo: Mr. Michael Dowd

PART I: Ms. Digianni, Ms. Peral, Mr. Pinsky, Mr. Eisenhardt, and Mr. Wortham


You witness their hard work every day–giving lectures, grading assignments, enforcing rules. But have you ever been curious about what teachers’ own experiences in high school were like? Believe it or not, they once sat in classrooms just like yours, stressing over tests, bantering with friends, and figuring themselves out. Some even rebelled a little. 

Social studies teacher Ms. Laurel Digianni recalled the first and last time she ever cut school. “I tried to ride my bike to my friend's house in the other town, and someone reported me to my mom and I got grounded,” she said.

Spanish teacher Ms. Emma Peral also learned a tough lesson from making a mistake. “I was very talkative,” she said. This led to an unintended consequence after giving her classmate all the test answers after finishing. “My teacher failed me and I had to retake the test even though I’d gotten everything right,” she said.  

Aside from missteps and poor choices, teachers also shared lighthearted moments that have stayed with them to this day.

Ms. Digianni and a friend pose in a photo booth. Photo: Ms. Laurel Digianni

“There was a day where we would line up outside in the lobby before classes started and there were four pigeons loose inside causing chaos,” said sociology teacher Mr. Christopher Eisenhardt. “A friend of mine who was born on a farm randomly grabbed them and brought them outside to release them, and everyone was just like, ‘Did he really just grab those pigeons?’”

Assistant Principal of World Languages Max Pinsky recalled an incident from his sophomore year. During passing, a friend playfully took his backpack, causing a chase. “He proceeded to jump over a desk, and I tried to also jump over the desk, but my leg got caught and my ankle swelled to the size of a grapefruit,” he said. “I was in crutches for the next several weeks. Lesson learned—play stupid games and win stupid prizes. He's still my friend though!” 

Many students today are frustrated with school hours–a sentiment teachers can relate to all too well. Most teachers' own high school days typically started around 7:00 a.m., similar to Midwood’s current bell schedule.

“I would be tired after school because I was a night owl,” said Ms. Digianni. “But I would then go to the next town and hang out with my friends and my boyfriend.” 

For some, school was filled with extracurriculars. “I would typically stay after school for extra help or clubs, so I was pretty busy most days,” said Mr. Eisenhardt, who was in the school newspaper, baseball, and band.

Ms. Peral grew up in Spain, where the experience was slightly different. “We didn’t have teams or clubs,” she said. “I would’ve liked it to be a little more integrating–things like spirit weeks, more fun things.”

To get through the long days, Ms. Digianni turned to pastimes such as drawing. “I was a student who was constantly doodling in my notebook,” she said. “I needed to draw in order to focus.” 

Classrooms were more traditional when these teachers were in school, leaning heavily on lecture-based teaching where students were expected to listen attentively and take notes. “There was a lot of ‘chalk and talk,’” said Ms. Digianni. 

“I think now there's more encouragement in class, more activity, more having students move around," said dean and U.S. government teacher Mr. Michael Wortham. “In terms of [teaching] tools, they didn't have that much then.” 

Even disciplinary policies were different. “We only had one dean at my school,” said Mr. Eisenhardt. “I remember if kids cut class, there was a lot more yelling involved–you could hear his booming voice down the hall.” 

“If you didn't turn in an assignment, you got a zero,” said Ms. Digianni. “We also had a strict dress code, like no spaghetti straps.” 

But one of the biggest differences between now and then is the usage of technology. While today’s generation of students can visit social media with a single click, these teachers grew up in a time when that sort of communication wasn’t as instant, or didn’t even exist. 

“I went to high school at a unique time,” said Mr. Eisenhardt. “I would check Facebook once a day on my family's home computer, so I kind of straddled the two time periods a little bit.”

“You had to connect by wire to the internet,” said Mr. Wortham. “There was no Wi-Fi, no Facebook, no social media, none of that.”

“I didn’t get my first cell phone until junior or senior year,” said Mr. Pinsky. “I remember being one of the last people in my grade to get one. My school had a few payphones [public phones that required a quarter to use], and I was one of the only people still using them.”

Most teachers were highly academic and studious during their high school years, some more than others. 

“I was a good student but not a great student,” said Mr. Pinsky. “I didn't really go above and beyond, but for the subjects I was interested in, I did very well.”

“In Spain, the system is one to ten instead of one to one hundred,” Ms. Peral explained. “I always had tens.”

For teachers like Mr. Wortham, maintaining high grades was a priority, with only one B throughout his four years. “I didn't get good grades because I was smart, I got good grades because I was disciplined enough to do my work and get the job done,” he said. 

While academics were crucial, teachers also emphasized that friendships were equally important. Beyond grades, the connections with peers left a lasting impact. 

“I had a few different circles of friends who were all into different things. Some were academically involved, others weren’t,” said Mr. Eisenhardt. “I liked having multiple circles of friends that showed me a lot of different things.”

For individuals like Mr. Wortham, these connections were formed long before high school, sometimes dating back to elementary. “We had a good time together and made sure we held each other accountable,” he said. 

If there’s one thing that has remained constant over the years, it is the value of the friendships, lifelong memories, and critical lessons.

“I was fortunate to have several teachers who really cared about me and served as my mentors,” Mr. Pinsky said. “I still try to emulate them to this day, and I hope I make them proud.”

Mr. Whortham learned to “be a leader, not a follower,” he said. “That is something my dad has been telling me since I was five or six years old.”

“[Later] you'll find yourself reminiscing about your past,” said Mr. Eisenhardt. “So just enjoy it while it's there.”

PART II: Dr. Quinlan, Mr. Resnick, Ms. Gluck, Mr. Peters, Ms. Daniels, and Mr. Dowd


High school can be a rollercoaster of challenges and unforgettable memories. This was just as true decades ago, though there were many differences as well. We sat down with a variety of faculty members to ask them about their own time in student desks, to compare the good, the bad, and the quirky.

Midwood’s principal, Dr. Robert Quinlan, was a top-tier student, ranking 6th in his class of 400. He took AP classes, played sports, and always handed in his homework on time. His favorite subject was history, which eventually led him to become a history teacher—and now, a principal.

“The most important lesson I learned was to always put your best foot forward,” he said. “You never know when a positive impression might open doors for you later in life.”

If he could change one thing about his high school experience, it would have been to add in financial literacy lessons. “That would’ve been a game-changer,” he said. “I never learned about managing money, budgeting, or saving. Those skills are crucial, and I wish they’d been part of the curriculum.”

Next up is Mr. Eugene Resnick, a social studies teacher with a passion for history and geometry. Back at Hillhouse High School in New Haven, Connecticut, Mr. Resnick was part of an Independent Study Program that let students design their classes.

“We could choose topics that truly interested us,” he said. “I even created a class on the Russian Revolution with my friends. That sparked my love for history.”

While he was a solid student averaging a B+ to A–, math stole his heart. “I was on the math team and loved geometry—proofs, theorems, all of it,” he said. His favorite teacher, Mr. Saxon, who led the Independent Study Program, remains a Facebook friend.

Mr. Resnick’s friend group was self-proclaimed “misfits.” “They were quirky—into art, punk rock; they were just kind of unusual,” he said.

“Back then, we typed papers on typewriters, and SMARTBoards didn’t exist,” he said. “But the core of learning—critical thinking—hasn’t changed.”

He advised students to “push yourself more, both in and out of school. And don’t underestimate the power of friendships.”

Ms. Stephanie Gluck, one of Midwood’s guidance counselors, recalled her high school years as a time of exploration. “I had no idea what I wanted to do,” she said. “One day I wanted to be a lawyer, the next a theater person, and sometimes a history teacher. It was all part of the journey.”

She emphasized the importance of extracurricular activities. “Clubs and events like Kwanzaa Fest and Asian Fest were huge back then—and they still are. They’re a big part of the high school experience,” she said.

“Take advantage of every opportunity,” she added. “Don’t wait for ‘next time.’ Get involved, try new things, and use high school to figure out what you love.”

Mr. Joseph Peters, a history and AP Comparative Government teacher, grew up in the small town of Nazareth, Pennsylvania, where everyone knew everyone. “My graduating class had about 250 people,” he said. “We had Friday football games, Saturday wrestling matches, and school plays that brought the whole town together.”

Small-town life had its downsides. “Knowing everybody your whole life meant less variety. I wish I’d branched out more,” he said.

Mr. Peters’ love for history was ignited by his 11th grade teacher, Mr. Harrison. “He was scruffy, long-haired, and had a side gig making replica Civil War uniforms,” Mr. Peters said. “I wasn’t into all his hobbies, but his enthusiasm was contagious.”

Regarding technology, he said, “I didn’t have a cell phone, so I had a sense of freedom kids today might not have. No tracking, no constant notifications—just me and my typewriter.”

He reminded students, “You’re not just learning for the test. You’re learning for life. History isn’t just in the past—it’s part of our everyday lives.”

Ms. Filomena Daniels, a school counselor, reflected on her high school experience with nostalgia. “High school? I was popular and just loved socializing. It was the highlight of my teenage years,” she said.

However, she admitted there were challenges. “There were certain kids I didn’t particularly care for, bullies, you know?” she said.

If she could change one thing about her high school experience, she said, “I would have taken it more seriously. A thousand percent.”

On the differences between high school then and now, she said, “We didn’t have any electronics. Everything was textbooks, and we had to do everything manually. I think my first computer was when I was going for my master’s degree.”

Mr. Michael Dowd, a social studies teacher, attended two schools: West Hampton Beach High School on Long Island and a small high school in rural Maine.

“I liked that my high school in Maine was very small,” he said. “We all knew each other really well, even across different grades. But the downside was that we didn’t have many electives, sports, or clubs. It was a trade-off.”

“In some ways, school was harder back then; in others, easier,” he said. “We didn’t have smartphones, but we also didn’t have today’s resources. School was more about memorization. Now, it’s more about critical thinking.”

He described his daily routine as, “Wake up early, be tired all day, try to stay awake in class, go to practice, then go home and attempt homework—though I was usually too exhausted to finish it.”

Mr. Dowd didn’t have a clear career plan in high school. “I vaguely thought about politics or something like that,” he said.

If he could change one thing, he said, “I hung out with the same kids every day—my teammates and classmates. At reunions, I’d meet people I never really talked to and think, ‘Wow, I should’ve gotten to know them better.’” 

Sports were a big part of his life. “I played baseball and wrestled,” he said. “Most of my memories revolve around practices, games, and the dumb things we did at parties.”

“Kids are kids—that hasn’t changed,” he added. “But back then, we weren’t glued to devices. Our interactions were more face-to-face. Learn to talk to strangers. Work on your communication skills—you’ll need them in the workplace. Plus, people are happier when they form real connections.”

While technology has transformed the high school experience, some things never change. The importance of friendships, personal growth, and valuable life lessons remain at the heart of it all.

Mr. Pinsky gives a presentation in AP Spanish. Photo: Mr. Max Pinsky

FeaturesCasey Levinson