Virtual Enterprise Students Create Fitness, Travel Companies

Students gather in their group to discuss their project. Photo: Mason Moy


Marco Chan and Mason Moy, a member of “Triumph,” contributed to this article.

Whether you’re an artist at heart, someone who prefers to stay behind the scenes, or a meticulous planner who thrives on rules and procedures, there is a department for you in the Virtual Enterprise class, which meets during periods two and three in Room 479. 

This is only the program’s second year of existence. “I brought [VE] to Midwood after seeing how successful it was at Murrow High School. I thought we could be a competitive force,” said Mr. Jakub Karpieszuk, the course’s teacher.

Students in the class create virtual businesses, coming up with concepts, procedures, and marketing. In addition, they have to make their own websites and attract potential customers. 

“Students literally run this class,”  Mr. Karpieszuk said. “I have students taking over tasks that are usually done by an adult. I’m here more as a consultant.” 

One of the businesses, “Triumph,” is a monthly fitness subscription service that delivers personalized home gym packages to its customers.

Third period’s project has also proved to be innovative: “Origin’s Odyssey” is a company specializing in heritage-based traveling experiences. It helps people connect with their ancestors and cultural backgrounds.

“Employees” in the class are assigned roles like CEO, COO, and a range of other positions. Each VE company has five main departments, such as marketing, finance, and sales. 

“I think [the class] just helps me learn about business and how it works inside,” said marketer Abdiel Lazala ‘26. “I usually see businesses as slick and clean, but chaotic on the inside. In VE you have to collaborate with people to make it all work. One department has to do its work, and so do the others.” 

HR maintains employee paperwork and company balance. Finance keeps track of rent, other expenses, and company money. Sales keeps track of earnings, and how to build partnerships. Marketing creates ads, flyers, and a website. 

Triumph tried an event this year called “Send your Boo a Boo,” where customers bought candy to deliver to someone else on Halloween, similar to Valentine's Day gifting.

During their class period, rather than completing regular papers and taking exams, students work on data reports, just like a real-life corporation. The finance department of “Triumph,” for example, has to work on monetary documents on the overall health of their business. The marketing department works on campaigns by producing a one-minute commercial.

“This class forces you to engage in public speaking,” said Mr. Karpieszuk. “You have to be confident with it, be able to sit in front of a room with hundreds of people, and be able to project your voice to express your opinions in a clear and concise way.”

In both classes, it is up to the students to decide what their day should be like. Collaboration and group effort play an important role in the vibes of the classroom.

The classes take several field trips each year to real corporate offices to meet skilled professionals and see how the “actual industry” works. This fall, they had a meeting at MasterCard. Recently, they went to LIU Brooklyn for a competition against other schools’ VE companies.  

The teams presenting in the competition were made up of 3-6 students, who had ten minutes to present their business plan, followed by five minutes of Q&A with the judges. Neither of Midwood’s teams progressed to the next round this year, though Triumph did place in top ten. 

“The competition was very stiff, and I think we were able to grow from the experience,” said Mr. Karpieszuk. 

In March, the students are expecting to go to another conference with Apollo Management International in Midtown Manhattan. They will have the chance to speak with people who work in finance to see if it’s a field they want to pursue.

All in all, the Virtual Enterprise class is a unique offering that should appeal especially to students who are considering a future in business.

“During my second semester of junior year, my guidance counselor introduced me to this elective, saying how it would be fun and rewarding,” said Giselle Tolentino ‘25, who works on the “Triumph” main website. “I think this course is very reliant on you being present, and you need to have good communication with the rest of your classmates.”

“You need to be independent and know how to do the work,” said Daisy Robles ‘26. “I think Mr. K is a great teacher. He gives support and advice for us to build off.”

Virtual Enterprise is designed to highlight any talents a Hornet can have. “We have room to fit everyone and anyone,” said Mr. Karpieszuk. “As long as they’re driven and want to try something new, we are the place for them.”

FeaturesCasey Levinson