For Girls Varsity Team, Basketball Builds Character Beyond the Court

Dimitra Tsirias drives against Brooklyn Tech on Feb 5. Photo: Eva Paraskevadis


Iris Lin is a member of the Girls Varsity Basketball Team.

The steady squeak of sneakers on the polished hardwood. The screams of the student section as the shot clock winds down. The cheerleaders in the bleachers chanting, “Shoot that ball! Shoot, shoot that ball!” Basketball is more than every dribble, pass, and burst of adrenaline. For our Lady Hornets, this is a game that isn’t just played – it’s lived.

Senior Dimitra Tsirias has been playing basketball since she was five years old. “It’s all about the thrill of the game, the energy on the court, and the camaraderie with teammates,” she said. 

To senior point guard, her sister, Maria Tsirias, basketball is a relief from the conflicts of her day. “When I’m stressed I know I can rely on picking up a ball and just falling into a zone,” she said. 

Basketball is an outlet for the team, an escape from the sometimes harsh reality of the outside world. Not only that, it’s become a sort of mentor for the girls, teaching them patience, resilience, and leadership. 

“[Basketball] taught me discipline and perseverance,” said Dimitra Tsirias. “I’ve learned the importance of practicing regularly and pushing through tough games.”

“Basketball has taught me the importance of commitment, teamwork, and self-improvement,” said Shayla Bowen ‘26. “When things don’t go as planned, it has helped me realize that failure helps us take steps towards getting better.” 

“Hard work pays off with the patience, time, and effort that you put into playing,” said Maria Tsirias.

This environment, which depends on chemistry and communication, has led the Lady Hornets to develop attributes that they’ll need for life outside of basketball. 

“Communication is key to success on and off the court,” said Soleil Vasquez ‘27. “And if you put your trust in your team, the whole team will grow and flourish.”

They say experience is the best teacher, and for the girls, the trials they face together simply make them stronger, ultimately helping them fight through adversity while maintaining their sisterhood. 

“[My teammates] always tell me to keep my head up when I’m having a bad game. Really, my success on the team is because of them,” said Dimitra Tsirias. “We achieve more together than we ever could individually, and that unity has been the key to our success.”

“The team is like my family; without them, I don’t know where I would be,” said Vasquez. 

Junior Kailin Gordan noted that her favorite memories were “the times where we go home after away games, in the locker rooms getting ready before games, and when we make jokes with Coach.”

The Lady Hornets’ love for the game also comes from Mr. Michael Moore, their coach, who said, “Basketball has always been a refuge for me, a place where the noise of the world fades away, and all that matters is the game.”

Mr. Moore hopes that the girls “[use] the sport as a vehicle to help shape them into more disciplined, self-confident, and capable individuals, ready to face whatever challenges come their way.”

Whether the girls choose to play basketball beyond high school or not is another story, but needless to say, it’s been more than just a game for them. It’s also a lifelong teacher instilling the significance of teamwork, leadership, and patience. From sweet wins to bitter losses, every moment of conflict and bonding has left a mark on these ladies, reminding them that growth from within is what truly matters.

Patience, resilience, and self-improvement are just some of the life skills built through basketball. Photo: Eva Paraskevadis

Though the team didn’t make the playoffs this year, their 6-8 record was a big improvement over 2023-2024’s 2-12 finish. Photo: Continental Studios

SportsCasey Levinson