Argus Poll: To Mask or Not to Mask?

Photo: NurseTogether

On March 7, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams lifted the Covid-19 mask mandate for NYC public schools. While many students decided to stop wearing face masks, many others opted to keep wearing them.

Between March 13-23, the Argus polled over 250 Midwood students on their masking habits. About 55% of our respondents were female. Ethnically, 48% of our poll-takers were Asian American, 17% were European American, 16% were African American, 8% were Hispanic, and the rest belonged to other groups or preferred not to say. Here’s what we found.


  • 82% of respondents were still masking

  • 98% of Asian American students were still masking, compared to 66% of other ethnic groups

  • 90% of female students were still masking, compared to 71% of male students

We asked, “If you said YES (you ARE still masking), what is your reason?” The most common reasons given were:

  • It feels weird not wearing it. (64%)

  • I'm nervous about catching or spreading Covid. (58%)

  • I'm self-conscious about my face. / I think I look better with my mask on. (44%)

  • My parents told me to keep wearing it. (41%)

  • I'm waiting until most students / my friends stop wearing them. (27%)

  • I don't want to be seen as an “anti-masker.” (17%)

  • I don't really know. (11%)

We also asked, “If you said YES (you ARE still masking), what would make you STOP wearing your mask?” The most common reasons given were:

  • I'm waiting for scientists and health experts say Covid is over. (39%)

  • I plan to wear a mask indefinitely (for a very long time, not sure when I'll stop). (34%)

  • I'm waiting for Covid cases and hospitalizations to drop to a particularly low number that I have in mind. (27%)

  • When I feel like it's "socially acceptable" to not wear a mask, I'll stop. (26%)

  • I'm waiting to see if there's a Covid case spike. If there isn't one, I'll take the mask off. (24%)

  • If most students / my friends stop wearing them, then I'll stop. (24%)

  • I'm waiting for my parents to tell me it's okay. (20%)

  • I don't really know. (17%)

  • I'm waiting for the weather to get warm. (14%)


A broad majority of students (82%) are still masking. Asian American and female students are more likely to remain masked.

While nervousness about Covid-19 remains, social pressures, self-consciousness, and feeling “weird” without a mask were widely cited reasons for masking.

While many students who mask are waiting a bit to “make sure it’s safe,” others are waiting for a perceived social obligation toward masking to fade. However, about a third plan to wear their masks indefinitely.


Face masks are like extra appendages for me now.

It makes my face breakout! Facials are expensive! Also they make my head hurt, and make me look ugly!

I think many people want to take their mask off but they’re just self conscious about how they look.

They cover my ugly mustache.

I think you should still wear a face mask even if it is optional. Coronavirus is still spreading and people are still in the hospital for it and we should look out for the first responders especially.

Face masks are pointless for healthy vaccinated teenagers.

I feel like they didn’t help much, more like a placebo, but now everyone is so used to it, so…

I’m really insecure about being without a mask and so used to wearing masks for so long that it feels really weird without one in public. I also worry that others would judge me and consider me as “mask fishing.”

They cause a lot of acne.

It makes me more comfortable, insecurity-wise.

I think people are wearing them for a sense of security that doesn't even exist. It was already proven that cloth masks do little to nothing to actually protect people.

I think it’s a very protective and reasonable measure to take especially in a crowded setting like Midwood. But I also understand why some feel uncomfortable wearing them due to the (slight) difficulty it inflicts on breathing.


Face masks are just as useless as completing daily screenings. I may sound contradictory because I continue to wear a mask, but it’s only because like 90% of the school still does as well.

They don't really stop Covid, to be honest. I was wearing my mask properly around the winter break and still got Covid, most likely from school.

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