Birdies Fly and Friendships Bloom


The birdie flies over your head, just beyond your reach. Then you serve, and your friend also misses. As the game keeps going, both you and your friend burst into laughter.

Photo credit: Vladislav Vasnetsov

Photo credit: Vladislav Vasnetsov

“The fact that we can bring together a diverse group of people and go outside to have fun rather than stay indoors” is one of the best things about Badminton Club, said Sammi Lin ’20, the club’s secretary.

Ivy Tran ’21, the club’s vice president, said, “The goal of this club is to let students have fun by playing a sport while relieving stress.” 

Meetings are every Friday during periods nine and ten in room 151. The members walk to the Hot Spot Tot Lot Park, a five minute walk from Midwood, to play. They go during both hot and cold weather, but wind matters more than the temperature. 

“Every single time we play outside, it’s windy,” said Lin. “Whenever someone misses, they say ‘It’s the wind.’” The club provides rackets and birdies, but they only have a limited supply. So it’s preferred if members can bring their own.

Members typically have easy-going games with each other and don’t keep score. Both girls and guys play together.

The club provides a friendly environment where students get the chance to meet new people.  

“What motivates me would be the friends that I meet there to play badminton with,” Tammy Li ’22 said. “Also the members who somehow tolerate my horrible badminton skills.”

Members can have lots of fun in different ways.

Abby Lee ’21, the media director of the club, said, “My favorite part of our club is that members are free to play however they want by doing weird things like using the rackets to form a net and using their hands to hit the birdie.” 

The club was created in only 2018 by two graduates, Kayla Wu and Evelyn Velez, and is still ironing out some of the details. 

Tran would like to improve the club “by finding a more spacious place to play.”

Last year, they played at the field across Midwood. However, due to construction this year, the club had to switch locations. Unfortunately, the park where they’re currently playing doesn’t have much space.

“I would definitely encourage someone to join badminton since Midwood does not have many sports-related clubs,” said Tran. “Badminton club is not only made for those with skills but also those with just a passion—everyone is welcome to join!” 

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