Students March Against Climate Change
Students protest at Columbus Circle. Photo Credit: Maram Alamri
Eleven years is all we have left. By 2030, many scientists say, climate change may reach a point where the changes become irreversible. Although it may not seem right around the corner, teenages do not have time to wait.
I attended the Climate Change March on the Friday, March 15 at Columbus Circle in Manhattan, and it was unlike anything I had experienced before.
To start off, I was pretty shocked. I found out about the march on that same day, which goes to show how “well-broadcasted” it was. Despite the late news, I was still able to attend with my friend KC Coryatt ’19.
We originally planned to go to the organized march at Washington Square Park at 11:00 a.m, but we got there late and there was no one left at the square. We were worried that no one had showed up, but we heard from locals at the park that the protestors had moved to Columbus Circle for the next organized march at 2:00 p.m.
My friend and I made it to Columbus Circle just in time for the march. The scene definitely lifted our spirits.
There were hundreds of students with boards and signs. Some of the students started climbing on statues and yelling chants.
“The fact that there was a broad range of middle and high schoolers fighting for to our environment inspired me to fight for this issue as well,” said Coryatt, “not only by protesting but also by doing research and seeing what I can do to help the movement.”
Climate change refers to a change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular those caused by increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide from the use of fossil fuels.
The march was originally organized by three students: Alexandria Villasenor of New York, Haven Coleman of Colorado, and Isra Hirsi of Minnesota. These students managed to organize a country-wide march, so if that doesn’t show determination about climate, then I don’t know what does.
Students who care about stopping climate change can start with the little things.
“An individual needs to focus on using things that are reusable because one of our main issues is overconsumption,” said Coryatt. “Using reusable materials such as metal straws, water bottles, and even reusable sandwich bags can help.”