NANI!!? Energetic Club Welcomes Anime Lovers

Kelly Ye ’20 sketches while waiting for Anime Club to start. Photo Credit: Tracy Ha

Kelly Ye ’20 sketches while waiting for Anime Club to start. Photo Credit: Tracy Ha


Every Thursday during 11th period in room 315, you’ll be able to hear the screams of laughter, debating, and pure confusion from the wonders of Anime Club. It’s a place where Japanese animation fans from freshmen to seniors feel at ease.

“Me and many of my friends from middle school have started to watch anime and immediately I was totally into it,” said Rezanur Rohan ’20, as members introduced themselves.

The friendly and lively environment of Anime Club, which was revived two years ago, is intended to create long lasting friendships. 

“I really enjoy the yelling and chaotic nature of Anime Club,” said Sean Abarca ’21. 

Rohan said, “In this club, I gained a bit of social freedom to speak about my anime interests.”

Members play games as a group, debate animes, and choose cartoons to watch in class. One of the students’ favorite competitions is “Guess the Anime Opening,” a test of their knowledge. Prizes could be earned depending on the President’s budget.

On the first day, Ms. Kristina Coker and Club President Jayla Evans ’20 went over class rules and commitments. After that came introductions and games so students could get to know each other.

Many students discussed their passion for drawingwell-known anime characters as well as new creations from their own imaginations.

Kelly Ye ’21 said she hopes to improve her drawing and animation style as well as opening up to other styles so one day she can create her own characters. 

Many students also use this club to learn and practice for their future college majors.

“I’d be into graphic designs, animation, or perhaps creative writing,” Rohan said. “For anime, I freely love art and make art as often as I can, even when I have other things to do.”

Members say it’s easy to make new friends even if you’re on the shy side, thanks to all the games and debates the club has. 

“You can’t not know anyone in Anime Club,” Abarca said.

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