Girls Tennis Swings for Playoff Return
Sarina Moi ’20 practices a backhand shot at Midwood Field.
Photo Credit: Continental Studios
With the tennis season coming to an end, the Girls Tennis team is currently 4-2, landing them a spot in the playoffs.
This season, the team’s lineup changed notably as departing seniors left open spots in the lineup and many new freshmen were added to the team.
“The opening of spots on the lineup allowed us to bump up certain girls to play at a higher position,” said Anna Sapozhnikov ’20.
The change in the lineup and the addition of so many new girls pushed the the team to improve on its “team cooperation,” said Natalie Peralta ’20.
First singles player Alina Ongeybery ’21 said, “We started practicing together and rotating our partners and communicating more.”
Peralta said, “We cheer each other up and our captains give us an encouraging speech before every game to make the players feel confident during the game.”
The team has shown confidence during doubles matches. Sapozhnikov explained, “When a girl runs to the side of the court, the second player moves to fill both positions until the girl runs back. Fewer balls have been missed.” Under the tutelage of coach Ms. Ashley Buttacavoli, this kind of communication has been a strength for the team.
One of the captains, Loulou Krivobok ’20, said Ms. Buttacavoli “watches our matches closely and comes up to us in between games to give us advice on how to outsmart the other team.”
Ongeybery said, “[Ms. Buttacavoli] makes us do drills before each game so we are warmed up and ready to play by the time the other team arrives.”
The team is more motivated than ever to make it back to the playoffs this year.
“We know we have to play our very best,” said Krivobok. “After our first taste of the playoffs, we knew we needed to make it in again.”